The journey and the struggles are NEVER over! I'm learning daily what I can and cannot do, what I can and cannot eat. Triggers and consequences. I thought I was ok with the weight I put back on but once I opened the gates the old habits came pouring back in! SOO...super excited to be taking the excess weight off AGAIN! I have a love for exercise this time around and if the Lords willing and the stars align I'll get my miracle skin removal surgery which will help! GREATLY! Onward and upward! Life is to short to dwell on the negatives! So....SUGAR AND STARBUCKS WILL BE GONE! Carb free in this house! Of course there is a possibility one or two might creep back in. Just will have to modify what I get. Sugar free! Sugar Free! Sugar Free!!!!!
I'm currently having a few health issues. Nothing serious or life threatening just Thyroid issues and my "ex" Doctor ignoring my symptoms and pretty much telling me I'm CRAZY! I'm like I don't have a medical degree but I've lived in my body for a few years and I have google! Don't tell me I'm crazy! Prove me wrong! She still refused to do a full thyroid panel! So I fired her! So looking for another new doctor which finding anyone who is familiar with gastric surgery/vitamin deficiencies and MS has been a NIGHTMARE! Let's see..oh yeah! Updates! I was diagnosed with MS(multiple sclerosis) in December 2014. I function almost normal except my balance is messed up! The excess skin DOES NOT HELP! On April 18, 2015 (my birthday)I ran my first 5k! That was actually incredible! Granted I didn't train for it and my husband left me eating his dirt and I walked and ran! But I DID
IT!!! MAJOR ACCOMPLISHMENT in more ways than one! What else has been going on? Looking for a job, cleaning out my life clutter and relying heavily on God's Grace to see me through it all! Promise to keep blog updated and get back to YouTube videos! Been gone and absent too long! The fight is NEVER over! Keep fighting the good fight!!!!
Sunshine Will Be Skinny
Monday, January 4, 2016
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
Monday, August 5, 2013
I'm stuck in a "Catch 22"! I gained a bit of weight back. I really like how my face looks with the extra weight but with the gaining of the weight the excess skin also fills back up and now it looks like I have...never mind, I'm not going there. But not that I gained a ton of weight only 15 lbs. but my face looks soo much better! I'm thinking that the only way to avoid the odd skin is to lose the weight again and have my face look skeletal because I cannot afford plastics! I love my new body! I'm in a size 10 and I believe minus the skin probably an 8! Never in my life have I been this size! So....if any of you can tell me how to get insurance to pay for Brachiolplasty and a lower body lift/tummy tuck and boob job let me know!

Thursday, May 31, 2012
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
I've lost the weight....
But now what to do about the excess skin? I am so excited about finally losing the weight but now I face the fact that I have all this skin. I can hide my midsection but my legs and arms not so much. I went into Surgery knowing I would have some but never in my wildest dreams did I think I was going to have to come up with 30grand + to finally be free of the old body. What do I do now? Where do I get the money? Can my body handle surgery after the year I've had being in and out of the hospital? I will come back later and post about that. So I again am at a standstill!
With Love & Laughter,
Sunshine Peck
Sent from my iPhone!
With Love & Laughter,
Sunshine Peck
Sent from my iPhone!

Thursday, December 22, 2011
I'm in Onederland! I'm so
I'm in Onederland! I'm so excited I cried! I wish you all a Merry Christmas! Be back with a video update soon. :*

Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Where have I been?
Hey all! Most of my updates are probably going to be on YouTube for now. I have so many blogs that I maintain and this one like the others seems to be neglected. I will try to keep it up to date but if you don't see anything posted in awhile go check out my YouTube channel. Thanks.
In the meantime, I am back from surgery! I am 3 weeks post-op and I am down 37.8 lbs. I lost a whopping 4.2 something lbs. last week, I will take it!
I have had a few problems with eating. Certain foods just do not go down well. Popcicles! They will not go down well at all. Kinda sucks because I really needed them post-op. Another food is mashed potatoes, they just sit like bricks. Chicken that is moist is no problem. Egg salad does not sit well, egg cheese and deli omlets go down fine. I was able to have like a nibble or two of cake at my grandmothers 90th birthday. I have a huge problem with beverages! I was a huge "Diet Coke" addict! I would drink 6-12 cans per day! However I haven't had a diet coke since I started my pre-op diet back in January. I am sick of Crystal Light, Wylers and all the flavored waters. I had no problems with them pre-op but now they just taste horrible. I'm tired of iced tea and I don't like plain water. I don't know what else to drink. I would love any and all suggestions.
In the meantime, I am back from surgery! I am 3 weeks post-op and I am down 37.8 lbs. I lost a whopping 4.2 something lbs. last week, I will take it!
I have had a few problems with eating. Certain foods just do not go down well. Popcicles! They will not go down well at all. Kinda sucks because I really needed them post-op. Another food is mashed potatoes, they just sit like bricks. Chicken that is moist is no problem. Egg salad does not sit well, egg cheese and deli omlets go down fine. I was able to have like a nibble or two of cake at my grandmothers 90th birthday. I have a huge problem with beverages! I was a huge "Diet Coke" addict! I would drink 6-12 cans per day! However I haven't had a diet coke since I started my pre-op diet back in January. I am sick of Crystal Light, Wylers and all the flavored waters. I had no problems with them pre-op but now they just taste horrible. I'm tired of iced tea and I don't like plain water. I don't know what else to drink. I would love any and all suggestions.

Sunday, January 30, 2011
Day 6 Pre-Op
So it has been 6 days. Day 1 and 2 were really rough, Day 3-5 were a little better, however Aunt Flo showed up at the end of Day 5 and the hunger and cravings have been horrible! I cheated and had a little piece of chicken. I am so mad at myself that I caved but my stomach has been growling so much it actually started to make me ill. I am down 8 lbs.though which is awesome.
I am still waiting for my sister to have her baby. She is now a week overdue! Ugh! She is as upset about it as I am.
I am so ready for spring! I cannot wait to get outside with my new sleeve and do some gardening. Back on track tommorrow and hopefully get a video posted.
I am still waiting for my sister to have her baby. She is now a week overdue! Ugh! She is as upset about it as I am.
I am so ready for spring! I cannot wait to get outside with my new sleeve and do some gardening. Back on track tommorrow and hopefully get a video posted.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Day 1 Pre-Op Diet
I'm starving! Whomever said this would be easy is lying through their teeth! My stomach has been growling all day. The protein shakes are giving me heart burn/acid reflux, I need meat! Just a small piece of chicken...that's all I need! I have wanted this for so long and now after day 1 I am second guessing myself. Have I made the right decision? By doing this 3 week liquid diet I get to mourn the loss of food before I even have the surgery and then after the surgery I can't have the foods so I get to mourn again. It doesn't seem fair. My sister is due to have her baby any day now and I will have to travel to be with her. How am I going to handle hours of waiting with her in the hospital? I'm going to need energy to help her and be able to take care of my daughter. What do I do? Suck on a protein shake all day and say don't mind my growling stomach, no I'm not hungry. I'm really trying but....
With Love & Laughter,
With Love & Laughter,

Friday, January 14, 2011
Things I have purchased for my new life after surgery..
I will be posting a video this weekend of what I have purchased for my surgery and for my new life after. I found my cocktail silverware at Crate & Barrel and World Market online. It was way more than I wanted to spend but at the same time I can also use them for parties and such (I don't really have parties but I may when I can rock a cocktail dress). I am still on a search for protein drinks so again let me know what worked for you. I did try Muscle Milk and Atkins and they seem to be at the top of the ok list. As soon as I can get protein from other sources I will. Can't stand the shakes!
Countdown to 21 day Pre-Op Diet: 10 Days
Countdown to 21 day Pre-Op Diet: 10 Days

Thursday, January 13, 2011
It is finally happening!
I did not get a big fat check from Santa Claus in my stocking but my Mother In Law has graciously loaned me the money so I can have my surgery! I can never thank her enough for helping me get this life saving procedure! I cannot wait, I am so excited! I will be having it on Valentines Day, what a better gift of love could I ever give myself? Follow me on YouTube and watch me go through my liquid pre-op diet...I'm sure it is going to be a hoot!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011
I started this blog several years ago when life was kicking me in the gut. There were several posts that I had made but never published. I am publishing them now. I want others to know that they are not alone in this struggle with weight loss or life. Full disclosure? Maybe. I hope to have some good news soon. Perhaps even a scheduled surgery date. Keep your fingers crossed and keep praying for me.
With Love & Laughter,
With Love & Laughter,

Saturday, January 1, 2011
Happy New Year!
Well everyone I made it through 2010 even though it really really sucked! I have to say the last 3 years have been really bad for me. But that is in the past now. I am moving onwards and upwards. I did not get a "Big Fat Check" from Santa in my stocking but my husband did buy me new carry-on luggage for my flight. It has the 4 spinning wheels. I may exchange it as it is just a plain black bag and well if you know me it needs to have some type of color or bling on it. I found one on that I like in pink. I'm going to think about it for a bit. I hope you are all keeping your fingers crossed and are sending up prayers for me still. I have one more avenue to try to get funding for my surgery and God willing it is actually going to work this time. The year 2011 is going to bring me a new life, new health, new clothes, new hope, profound faith and most of all healing.
I will be spending most of the day packing away the Christmas decorations and will check in to Obesity Help and my YouTube friends during my breaks.
With Love and Laughter,
I will be spending most of the day packing away the Christmas decorations and will check in to Obesity Help and my YouTube friends during my breaks.
With Love and Laughter,

Thursday, December 30, 2010
Check out Melting Mama's Click Giveaway!
CLICK in the NEW YEAR, baby! It's 5'O'CLICK somewhere!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Jeans and other things..........
I am not a fashionista and I only buy clothes when they are worn out or look like they need to be thrown out. Well I am so fat now that I busted the seams out of my favorite pair of jeans. I have been trying to find something that fits but I have to say WTH?!!!! Every pair of jeans I try on fall below my "natural waistline". Why does the fashion industry find it necessary for fat women to expose our muffin tops? It is disguisting! I'm 36 years old and I am longing for a pair of "Mom Jeans"! C'mon people! Fat needs to be covered up! I don't know anyone who enjoys looking at someones butt crack because you people do not make a pair of jeans with a high enough waist to cover it! You shouldn't have to tug and pull your jeans up all day long because they are falling down. You shouldn't have to wear a thong because your granny panties stick 5-6 inches out of your pants! Bring back jeans with a freakin' waist! And while I'm on my rant....just because they make it people doesn't mean you should wear it! If your more than a size 12, do not wear a mini skirt! It just isn't pretty and it doesn't matter what size you are, tube tops should be banned!
With Love & Laughter,
I am not a fashionista and I only buy clothes when they are worn out or look like they need to be thrown out. Well I am so fat now that I busted the seams out of my favorite pair of jeans. I have been trying to find something that fits but I have to say WTH?!!!! Every pair of jeans I try on fall below my "natural waistline". Why does the fashion industry find it necessary for fat women to expose our muffin tops? It is disguisting! I'm 36 years old and I am longing for a pair of "Mom Jeans"! C'mon people! Fat needs to be covered up! I don't know anyone who enjoys looking at someones butt crack because you people do not make a pair of jeans with a high enough waist to cover it! You shouldn't have to tug and pull your jeans up all day long because they are falling down. You shouldn't have to wear a thong because your granny panties stick 5-6 inches out of your pants! Bring back jeans with a freakin' waist! And while I'm on my rant....just because they make it people doesn't mean you should wear it! If your more than a size 12, do not wear a mini skirt! It just isn't pretty and it doesn't matter what size you are, tube tops should be banned!
With Love & Laughter,

Saturday, December 18, 2010
Why do I want WLS?
Let's make a list of the reasons I need this surgery. These are things that I have never done or just can't do due to my size or shame of my size.
With Love & Laughter,
- To be able to wrap a bath towel around myself and have it stay up
- To wear my seat belt comfortably
- So my ass will fit on a picinic bench and not hang over it
- To have really good sex again
- Wear fashionable clothes
- Sing more solos
- Keep a clean tidy home
- Have more energy
- Be Healthy
- Have another baby
- Get rid of Pre-Diabetes/Insulin Resistance
- Eliminate PCOS
- Wear high heels
- Not worry about breaking chairs or the weight limit on a lawn chair
- Be able to play with my daughter outside and on the ground
- I would love to run
- To get off of medication
- To not die of heart disease
- To actively run my business
- To put myself out there and get a job
With Love & Laughter,

Pity Party...Do Not Enter if you do not want whine with your cheeze!
Hey guys,
I'm having a really bad year....or should I say life?! Nothing is going right! I don't want to go into details but I will say that because someone drug his feet and didn't take care of the situation when I said too, we are now in over our heads and our lives will never be the same! I will probably never get my surgery and I will remain fat and probably become divorced because of it.
All I want for Christmas is to have my surgery in January so I can start over. So I can have a slight chance of having another baby. So I can be able to get a job. So maybe even have a chance of saving my marriage which is in the crapper. OMG! It would be so nice not to have to wear ugly clothes and dress nice for once in my life. I dream of a size 8 or 10 but would even settle for a 12! To be able to wear a cute boot with a heel, a sassy shirt or The Little Black Dress! I have never worn a Little Black Dress. I bought many years ago a Black Sequin Tank dress in a size 8/9. I would love to be able to wear it at least once before I die. It was purchased as a goal dress. Obviously I never made it to goal. If I have surgery in January than there is a good chance that I might be able to wear it in 2011! Maybe make my husband take me out on New Years Eve instead of me being ok with him working because I don't want anyone to see me.
I pray that things don't turn out the way they are headed. I pray that I will have surgery and I pray that in the end my marriage can be saved and that it isn't too late.
With Love & Laughter,
I'm having a really bad year....or should I say life?! Nothing is going right! I don't want to go into details but I will say that because someone drug his feet and didn't take care of the situation when I said too, we are now in over our heads and our lives will never be the same! I will probably never get my surgery and I will remain fat and probably become divorced because of it.
All I want for Christmas is to have my surgery in January so I can start over. So I can have a slight chance of having another baby. So I can be able to get a job. So maybe even have a chance of saving my marriage which is in the crapper. OMG! It would be so nice not to have to wear ugly clothes and dress nice for once in my life. I dream of a size 8 or 10 but would even settle for a 12! To be able to wear a cute boot with a heel, a sassy shirt or The Little Black Dress! I have never worn a Little Black Dress. I bought many years ago a Black Sequin Tank dress in a size 8/9. I would love to be able to wear it at least once before I die. It was purchased as a goal dress. Obviously I never made it to goal. If I have surgery in January than there is a good chance that I might be able to wear it in 2011! Maybe make my husband take me out on New Years Eve instead of me being ok with him working because I don't want anyone to see me.
I pray that things don't turn out the way they are headed. I pray that I will have surgery and I pray that in the end my marriage can be saved and that it isn't too late.
With Love & Laughter,

Wednesday, December 1, 2010
It's the waiting and the unknown that can drive a person mad! I'm on and YouTube all the time. I am so gobsmacked (I think that is how you say it) by all the people who are just like me in their struggles with weight loss but they got to have surgery and I am still sitting here on the sidelines cheering everyone on and at the same time hating all of you because you get to move on with your lives and I am still here....STUCK!
Will you all pray for me? Pray that God will provide the financing I desperately need to have my surgery. I thank all of my followers and as I go through all of these ups and downs that I can help someone else out there in my same situation.
With Love & Laughter,
Will you all pray for me? Pray that God will provide the financing I desperately need to have my surgery. I thank all of my followers and as I go through all of these ups and downs that I can help someone else out there in my same situation.
With Love & Laughter,

Saturday, November 27, 2010
We went to my Mother In-Laws for dinner (actually my sister in-laws house) and it snowed! I was so happy! I love the snow! However when we returned home there was no snow here so I was a bit dissapointed.
Do you know I weighed myself before I left and then I weighed myself when I got home and I gained 7 lbs.! I didn't snack and I really did avoid the cookies. Now I did eat Pumpkin Pie and Green Bean Casserole and Turkey of course. But not as much as I normally do every year. I cannot wait until we have the money saved up or able to get a loan so I can have my VSG (weight loss) surgery and gallbladder removed! Better to look under the hood once and get everything fixed at the same time...right? I really wish that is wasn't excluded on our insurance policy! I'm all for certain aspects of Obama Care but there needs to be something in there stating that Weight loss programs/Weightloss Surgery should be covered!
With Love & Laughter,
Do you know I weighed myself before I left and then I weighed myself when I got home and I gained 7 lbs.! I didn't snack and I really did avoid the cookies. Now I did eat Pumpkin Pie and Green Bean Casserole and Turkey of course. But not as much as I normally do every year. I cannot wait until we have the money saved up or able to get a loan so I can have my VSG (weight loss) surgery and gallbladder removed! Better to look under the hood once and get everything fixed at the same time...right? I really wish that is wasn't excluded on our insurance policy! I'm all for certain aspects of Obama Care but there needs to be something in there stating that Weight loss programs/Weightloss Surgery should be covered!
With Love & Laughter,

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